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Preview — The Purpose Driven Church by Rick Warren

“The Purpose Driven® Church has brought focus and direction to more pastors and church leaders than you can count. What a gift!”—John Ortberg, bestselling author Every church is driven by something. Tradition, finances, programs, personalities, events, seekers, and even buildings can each be the controlling force in a church. But Rick Warren believes that in order for a ch...more
Published November 14th 1995 by Zondervan (first published 1995)
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After reading this book, the one question that keeps popping into my head is, 'Why didn't I read this book going through Bible college?!' And to think that I pastored for nine years without reading this book! My belief is that there are many brethren out in ministry that have criticized Rick Warren without even taking the time to read what they are criticizing. That was me in a nutshell. The funny thing is that he even states in the book several times that the reader might not agree with him on...more
Pdf Purpose Driven Church
Although Dr. Warren says some good things in this book, there is not nearly enough good scriptural content to overshadow the over-abundance of flawed theology.
Warren repeatedly tells us in this book that the Church needs to adopt and embrace worldly culture if it intends to reach the lost. He also consistently insists that what we believe (doctrine) is not important to God, and therefore should not be important to us; he states that what God will place His ultimate importance on is what we did w
Worth reading If you are a Christian leader, but only because it is popular. A lot of bad theology behind this. Growth through Pragmatism rules the day in this paradigm. I've heard several of the pastors from this church and there was never any gospel in their sermons. In fact, they could have easily been Mormon sermons. Read 9 Marks if you want a good book on HEALTHY churches instead of simply having a huge church by any means necessary. Furthermore, his use of scripture was atrocious. He uses...more
Apr 11, 2009Rhonda rated it really liked it
We read tis book in a church group and I was surprised that it was as good and fundamental as it turned out to be. I had heard various things baout Rick Warren, including hints of his liberalism in various areas but had never verified that this was true for myself, but had no reason to read any of his books by myself. Hence I was pleasantly surprised when this book challenged me a great deal in my spiritual quest.
The first premise of this book was that we are born for His pleasure and His purpos
May 22, 2017Jeffrey added it
My Rabbi gave me this book to read when I became Vice President of our Congregation. He didn't even warn me about the evangelical nature of the type of church Rick Warren built. I guess that was a vote of confidence in me.
What Rick Warren has accomplished in developing his church is truly remarkable, and as he explains how he did it, you come to realize that he really has a method and a well thought out scheme for what he does. Of course, choosing to put his church in the middle of the fastest g
Read it only if you want to see why bible-believers are chased out of churches by pastors who want larger congregations.
When you give this book the test of Scripture, there is much to be concerned about.
Mar 21, 2019Michael rated it really liked it
A few things.
First, I'm not a big fan of Rick Warren's writing style. In any given paragraph, he usually says the same thing in fifty different ways, which is great for teaching, but in writing it's very... unnecessary. His page count could have been reduced in half just by fixing this.
Second, it is slightly dated, but nothing major.
Third, this is a great resource for pastors to have! I heard a lot of bad about this book and about Rick, so I thought I'd read it myself, and I'm very pleasantly su
Excellent! Ides on how your church can become a healthy, effective and growing church on a mission.
A great how to book for church leaders full of practical insight.
PurposeMar 08, 2008Werner rated it it was amazing
Shelves: christian-life-and-thought
Every Christian believer ought to take seriously the need for the Church to be and do what God designed it to be and do, as the Bible reveals this to us. (Tragically, too often we don't care about this --and the condition of our congregations shows it.) Warren (who is also the author of The Purpose-Driven Life) here describes the transformation of the local church he pastors into one in which genuine Christian nurture happens, and through which lost persons are regularly converted to Christ in s...more
Jul 10, 2012Dreamers.hope rated it really liked it
Prior to The Purpose-Driven Church, I read Rick Warren's Purpose-Driven Life. I did not understand all the hype about the book so I finally got around to picking it up. The Purpose-Driven Church is filled with a lot more testimonies and personal examples from Pastor Warren's life. Like The PUrpose-Driven Life, it is written in an easy-to-understand format.
Pastor Warren writes the story of Saddleback, which testifies to the hardships churches face prior to growth. Although at times Warren focuse
Watched this plan play out in a church I used to go to. It's based on consumerism and numbers. The idea is to make church friendly to Non-Christians by making sermons less scary and easier to understand and moving anything uncomfortable or deep to small groups for the long-term believers. It also covers making the worship more inviting to Non-Believers by trying to upgrade it to a professional level show and being careful not to have any song that might make Non-Believers uncomfortable. These ar...more
Nov 03, 2012Carter McNeese rated it really liked it
Recommends it for: Pastors, Church Lay Leaders, others interested in leadership
I have to admit that I wasn't too pleased when I found out that a group from my church was reading this book. I had all sorts of bad feelings about Rick Warren and the whole Church Growth and 'Seeker-friendly' movement.
However, I was pleasantly surprised by this book. Putting an emphasis on creating a healthy community, Warren is able (for the most part) to avoid the trap of putting style over substance that is a real problem in the early 21st century American Church.
I would definitely recomme
Jul 03, 2015Graham Heslop rated it did not like it
Warren is a possibly unsurpassed in his application of pragmatism and public surveys to the running and shape of the local church. Unfortunately his handle on and use of Scripture is weak, his eagerness to make your church accommodating means vagueness on our message and mission, and his writing is repetitious rather than refined. There is much to learn from Saddleback and Rick Warren's ministry but - as the author himself often reminds the reader - that isn't the model the emulate or even consi...more
Feb 15, 2009David Gregg rated it it was ok · review of another edition
This audio version only includes the first five chapters of the book. I've never read the book. The first five chapters were good, but they really didn't leave me with any impression worth noting--although, that in itself is worth noting--and no more desire to read the remaining chapters. I'm not a Warren hater by any means--some of the things he's said on the Catalyst podcast were great!--but I can't say that I'd go out of my way to read any of his books to date.
Jan 21, 2017Tracey Dyck rated it really liked it
Some great teaching on how to foster a healthy church! I didn't agree with 100% of Rick Warren's statements, but the heart behind the book is exactly what so many North American churches need. Biggest takeaway? A church can grow and be relevant/contemporary without compromising the message of Jesus Christ.
Now to go prepare my presentation notes for class...
Oct 16, 2015Mike Matiscik rated it did not like it
The book is popular because it appeals to a good idea of trying to define one's purpose in life. Yet the author does not exegete Scripture well or harmonize Scripture as well. In the end, if followed, will hinder rather than help the believer.
A powerful book for church governance and set up.
Jan 31, 2013Samuel rated it did not like it
It's basically just a 400 page brochure for Saddleback and how it's better than your church.
3/5. I recommend this book for those who are confident in their interpretation of Scripture and can discern between erroneous theological statements made by the author and the church-building wisdom that he can impart.
What I liked:
My church is currently going through to help revitalize and grow our church. Overall, the plan and the idea behind this book work. It does need tweaking which I outline below though. I completely agree that the purpose of the church should rest in the Great Commission
The Purpose Driven Church by Warren might be helpful for certain mega churches. His idea of defining the purpose of the church is helpful, but all others aspects regarding reaching the community, bringing a crowd, and building up the church is more relevant to churches of larger sizes as opposed to the average-sized church. I do have my disagreements with Warren on several counts of his methodology. There was not much said about the power of God working through His church, and he puts a strong e...more
Jan 23, 2018Cathy rated it really liked it
The author shares the strategies he used for building his church in the 80s and 90s, the rationale behind the strategies, and encouragement readers that they can see their church grow if they follow the Church's purpose and guidance from the Holy Spirit. He pastored a big church, and you can see from his strategies that he is goal-oriented and thinks big. He reminds me of a charismatic business manager. He organizes church trainings/meetings/ministry very effectively; everything was very structu...more
One of the Mighty Mighty Boss Dudes recommended this by saying 'every time he says 'church' just replace it with 'company' and it's about startups.' That is mostly true.
I think if I were running a neat startup with grand ambitions and slide decks about 'scale' and 'disruption,' I would probably find a lot of valuable stuff in here. A lot of it seems like re-packaged Peter Drucker stuff, but saying the same thing in different words can be helpful for folks.
As someone who isn't interested in start
I might be the only person I know that doesn't like this book. I found it to be a little thin and Warren's subject matter and supporting comments about the growth of churches to be full of the obvious. If you are looking for something more profound, concerning, the church and its spiritual and/or numeric growth, you should probably look elsewhere.
Apr 29, 2019Tim rated it it was amazing
This is a very eye opening view on the purpose of the church and a refreshing look. I rated it 5 stars because I would highly recommend it to any church goer, especially leaders or those involved heavily in ministry. A great reminder to keep in mind the proper focus on the church and the reason church exists.

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Jul 25, 2017Michael Hentrich rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
Too much to share in this review, but this book has many gems of advice for those looking to take their church or organization to another level of growth and to instill a deep sense of purpose. Just like your life, if your church doesn't have a purpose or doesn't believe in its purpose, it will never grow or prosper.
I'll keep it short: Warren has lots of good ideas about drawing a crowd, lots of good ideas for turning a crowd into Christians, and few very good ideas about the basics of ecclesiology, what the Church is and must do.
Jan 07, 2018Carlyle Roberts rated it really liked it
Great read for anyone involved in ministry directly within church building. It is important for any organisation to be intentional about its actions and organised in a manner to be relevant in fulfiling its mission. This book gives a good approach for a church seeking to do just that.
a good read
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Richard Duane Warren.
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“Worship helps people focus on God; fellowship helps them face life’s problems; discipleship helps fortify their faith; ministry helps them find their talents; and evangelism helps them fulfill their mission.” — 1 likes
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